29-Nov- Nepalese Business Environment
30-Nov- English II
1-Dec- Sociology
2-Dec- Fundamentals of Logic
3-Dec- International Business
4-Dec- Business Mathematics II
5-Dec- Data Analysis and Modeling
6-Dec- Operations Management/English I
7-Dec- Financial Accounting II
8-Dec- Psychology
9-Dec- Human Resource Management/Principles of Management
10-Dec- Microeconomics
11-Dec- Finance I
12-Dec- Management Information System
13-Dec- Programming Language
14-Dec- Research Methodology
15-Dec- Organizational Relations
16-Dec- Macroeconomics
17-Dec- Computer Application / Business Law
18-Dec- Business Communication
19-Dec- Principles of Marketing
20-Dec- Business Mathematics /Entrepreneurship I
21-Dec- Business Statistics
22-Dec- Finance II
23-Dec- Financial Accounting I
24-Dec- Management Accounting
1) All the Examination starts from 12.00 noon time. The duration of Examinations shall be of 3 hours.
2) If the examination of particular subject or course cannot be held due to unavoidable conditions, the examination of the particular date shall be held on the next day after the last date of examination. However, the prior notice about it shall be given.
3) For the practical exams, concerned college shall arrange on its own convenience.
Nov 21, 2010
Nov 9, 2010
Oct 7, 2010
VISION/MISSION: Dashain/Tihar Assignments
Anil Kumar Yadubansi
Anjila Sharma
Anshu Adhikari
Anup Man Shrestha
Anup Shakya
Arjun Shrestha
Ashma Khanal
Asmit Bikram Pant
Bibush Shakya
Biraja Gautam
Bishu Lama
Chandra P. Poudel
Dilip Thapa
Gaurav Jung Shah
Jagriti Bohara
Kalden Phuntsok Lama
Kaushal Saria
Kritika Acharya
Kshitiz Ghimire
Kshitiz Pudasaini
Manish Raj Shakya
Manish Sijapati
Mrinal Kumar Neogy
Mukesh Kumar Baitha
Murari Kumar Rauniyar
Neelmony Lama
Nikita Tekriwal
Niraj Bhatta
Nisha Dahal
Nitesh Parwat
Pawan Gurung
Prabesh Karki
Pravek Joshi
Pravesh Dhungana
Rakhi Hangma Limbu
Rojeena Bariya
Rosy Manandhar
Sandipa katuwal
Sanjiv Poudyal
Sanju Dhakal
Satish Koirala
Saugat Guragain
Saurav Singh K.C
Shikha Adhikari
Shrija Tripathi
Shrijan Tuladhar
Shrity Shrestha
Subash Khanal
Sunil Kumar Giri
Surendra Raj Shahi
Sushant Bhandari
Anil Kumar Yadubansi
Anshu Adhikari
Anup Shakya
Ashma Khanal
Asmit Bikram Pant
Bibush Shakya
Chandra P. Poudel
Deepace Shakya
Dilip Thapa
Jagriti Bohara
Kalden Phuntsok Lama
Kaushal Saria
Kiran Shrestha
Kritika Acharya
Kshitiz Ghimire
Kshitiz Pudasaini
Manish Raj Shakya
Manish Sijapati
Mukesh Kumar Baitha
Murari Kumar Rauniyar
Niraj Bhatta
Nisha Dahal
Nitesh Parwat
Pawan Gurung
Prabesh Karki
Rakhi Hangma Limbu
Sanjiv Poudyal
Satish Koirala
Saugat Guragain
Saurav Singh K.C
Shashi Kant Mandal
Shrijan Tuladhar
Subash Khanal
Sunil Kumar Giri
Surendra Raj Shahi
Sushant Bhandari
Anil Kumar Yadubansi
Anshu Adhikari
Anup Shakya
Bibush Shakya
Dilip Thapa
Jagriti Bohara
Kalden Phuntsok Lama
Kaushal Saria
Kiran Shrestha
Kshitiz Ghimire
Manish Raj Shakya
Manish Sijapati
Mrinal Kumar Neogy
Murari Kumar Rauniyar
Neelmony Lama
Nikita Tekriwal
Nisha Dahal
Pawan Gurung
Prabesh Karki
Rakhi Hangma Limbu
Sandipa katuwal
Sanjiv Poudyal
Satish Koirala
Saugat Guragain
Saurav Singh K.C
Shrijan Tuladhar
Subash Khanal
Sunil Kumar Giri
Surendra Raj Shahi
Sushant Bhandari
- Those Students who are absent in both exams no need to solve the questions.
- NQ is not declared yet.
List of students who have to solve Latest 3 Years Questions of DAAM:
Anil Kumar Yadubansi
Anjila Sharma
Anshu Adhikari
Anup Man Shrestha
Anup Shakya
Arjun Shrestha
Ashma Khanal
Asmit Bikram Pant
Bibush Shakya
Biraja Gautam
Bishu Lama
Chandra P. Poudel
Dilip Thapa
Gaurav Jung Shah
Jagriti Bohara
Kalden Phuntsok Lama
Kaushal Saria
Kritika Acharya
Kshitiz Ghimire
Kshitiz Pudasaini
Manish Raj Shakya
Manish Sijapati
Mrinal Kumar Neogy
Mukesh Kumar Baitha
Murari Kumar Rauniyar
Neelmony Lama
Nikita Tekriwal
Niraj Bhatta
Nisha Dahal
Nitesh Parwat
Pawan Gurung
Prabesh Karki
Pravek Joshi
Pravesh Dhungana
Rakhi Hangma Limbu
Rojeena Bariya
Rosy Manandhar
Sandipa katuwal
Sanjiv Poudyal
Sanju Dhakal
Satish Koirala
Saugat Guragain
Saurav Singh K.C
Shikha Adhikari
Shrija Tripathi
Shrijan Tuladhar
Shrity Shrestha
Subash Khanal
Sunil Kumar Giri
Surendra Raj Shahi
Sushant Bhandari
List of students who have to solve PU Question of 2oo6(spring), 2007 of LOGIC:
Anil Kumar Yadubansi
Anshu Adhikari
Anup Shakya
Ashma Khanal
Asmit Bikram Pant
Bibush Shakya
Chandra P. Poudel
Deepace Shakya
Dilip Thapa
Jagriti Bohara
Kalden Phuntsok Lama
Kaushal Saria
Kiran Shrestha
Kritika Acharya
Kshitiz Ghimire
Kshitiz Pudasaini
Manish Raj Shakya
Manish Sijapati
Mukesh Kumar Baitha
Murari Kumar Rauniyar
Niraj Bhatta
Nisha Dahal
Nitesh Parwat
Pawan Gurung
Prabesh Karki
Rakhi Hangma Limbu
Sanjiv Poudyal
Satish Koirala
Saugat Guragain
Saurav Singh K.C
Shashi Kant Mandal
Shrijan Tuladhar
Subash Khanal
Sunil Kumar Giri
Surendra Raj Shahi
Sushant Bhandari
List of students who have to solve Latest 3 Years Questions of Research:
Anil Kumar Yadubansi
Anshu Adhikari
Anup Shakya
Bibush Shakya
Dilip Thapa
Jagriti Bohara
Kalden Phuntsok Lama
Kaushal Saria
Kiran Shrestha
Kshitiz Ghimire
Manish Raj Shakya
Manish Sijapati
Mrinal Kumar Neogy
Murari Kumar Rauniyar
Neelmony Lama
Nikita Tekriwal
Nisha Dahal
Pawan Gurung
Prabesh Karki
Rakhi Hangma Limbu
Sandipa katuwal
Sanjiv Poudyal
Satish Koirala
Saugat Guragain
Saurav Singh K.C
Shrijan Tuladhar
Subash Khanal
Sunil Kumar Giri
Surendra Raj Shahi
Sushant Bhandari
All students have to solve the latest five Question sets of PU
- Those Students who are absent in both exams no need to solve the questions.
- NQ is not declared yet.
Psychology Slides !
1. Introduction to Psychology
2. Learning
a. All
b. Gestalt Learning
c. Operant/Skinner Learning
3. Personality
4. Emotion
5. Attention
6. Intelligence
7. Nervous System
To download:
click on required link above >> click on 'actions' button at the bottom of the slides >> click on 'download as PPT' >> save
2. Learning
a. All
b. Gestalt Learning
c. Operant/Skinner Learning
3. Personality
4. Emotion
5. Attention
6. Intelligence
7. Nervous System
To download:
click on required link above >> click on 'actions' button at the bottom of the slides >> click on 'download as PPT' >> save
Psychology: Intelligence
Nature and definition of intelligence. Types of intelligence (Spearman’s ‘g’ and ‘s’ abilities, Verbal/non-verbal abilities). Determination of intelligence (The role of heredity and environment). Measurement of intelligence (Concept of IQ, Binet and Wechsler’s test).
Question: Describe the Concept and Nature of Intelligence.
People differ in countless ways – from purely biological term to other countless terms. Psychologists have focused on relatively small number of key dimensions and intelligence and personality are some of them. Intelligence is one of the very important aspects of individual distinctness. In the past, psychologists disagreed over whether intelligence was unitary or multifaceted in nature; today, most believe that intelligence involves both a general capacity to solve many types of problems and several specific abilities.
The term intelligence is closely related to intellect and intellect is a comprehensive term for observing, understanding, thinking, remembering and all ways of getting information. It is helpful in solving problem and reaching a goal. In other words, intelligence means intellect put to use. Today, the concept of intelligence is more pragmatic, much broader, and concerned with learning and adaptive human behavior. It is not a material fact but an abstract construct and has been defined in a number of ways.
Question: Define Intelligence or Explain the Different Definitions of Intelligence.
Intelligence has become the prime focus of study in psychology both theoretically and practically. Intelligence is one of the most talked about subjects within psychology but there is no standard definition
Psychology: Personality
Concept and Definition of Personality
The term 'personality' is derived from the Latin word ‘Persona’ that means a theatrical mask used by actors in Greek drama. This literal term is very similar with lay people's concept of personality. The term is more concerned with the physical and social attractiveness. The reality is that personality is biological and social byproduct. It does not only mean physical feature, appearance or attractiveness. It is rather an interaction of physical and psychological characteristics, inner and outer-self. It refers to the totality of a man.
Definition of Personality
There is not a single acceptable definition of personality. There is division among the psychologists about the definition of personality. The disagreement among
Concept and Definition of Personality
The term 'personality' is derived from the Latin word ‘Persona’ that means a theatrical mask used by actors in Greek drama. This literal term is very similar with lay people's concept of personality. The term is more concerned with the physical and social attractiveness. The reality is that personality is biological and social byproduct. It does not only mean physical feature, appearance or attractiveness. It is rather an interaction of physical and psychological characteristics, inner and outer-self. It refers to the totality of a man.
Definition of Personality
There is not a single acceptable definition of personality. There is division among the psychologists about the definition of personality. The disagreement among
Psychology: Attention
Topics mentioned in the BBA course
a. Meaning and factors of attention
b. Types of attention
c. Attention span
d. Fluctuation and division of attention
e. Distraction
Attention is a selective mental process through which the individual brings the selcted stimulus in his/her focus of consciousness.
Ordinarily we speak of giving attention to objects, of concentrating attention some object or shifting attention from one object to another. This may give the impression that attention is some faculty or power that we can use at will. But it is better to speak of attending, the act, process or function of attending rather than any power.
Psychology studies mental processes and activities but it is difficult to do this without attending to them. Attending to an object is to bring that object to consciousness. To perceive an object is to bring that object to consciousness. To perceive an object, to think about it, to solve some problem about it, to remember it and the like is not possible without attending to it. By attending to any thing we bring it within the realm of consciousness. Attention is the heart of the conscious process and is basic to all mental activity and behavior. Attention in a way precedes all mental activity.
The field of attention is narrower than the filed of consciousness or awareness. It is concentrated awareness of a selected aspect of our environment. We are said to be attending to an object when our sense-activity is focused on any particular stimulus. Such stimuli standout more prominently from the rest of the environment and are more clearly perceived.
Attention is not always fixed. Shifting is the nature of attention. Attention is always fluctuating and shifting, our interest and needs are changing and they affect the process of attending, and then some outside objects by their force and intensity compel attention.
Attention is not just looking on. It is an active process, involving give-and-take with the environment. When we attend to anything we are inclined to do something about it be it simply to keep it before our mind or to remove it from consciousness.
Attention is a process of adjustment. By attending the individual adjust himself inner needs or to outer stimuli.
Importance of attention
It is often of great importance to the individual whether
Psychology: Schedule of reinforcement (Learning)
Simple schedules
Simple schedules have a single rule to determine when a single type of reinforcer is delivered for specific response.
- Fixed ratio (FR) schedules deliver reinforcement after every nth response
- Example: FR2 = every second response is reinforced
- Lab example: FR5 = rat reinforced with food after each 5 bar-presses in a Skinner box.
- Real-world example: FR10 = Used car dealer gets a $1000 bonus for each 10 cars sold on the lot.
- Fixed interval (FI) schedules deliver reinforcement for the first response after a fixed length of time since the last reinforcement, while premature responses are not reinforced.
- Example: FI1" = reinforcement provided for the first response after 1 second
- Lab example: FI15" = rat is reinforced for the first bar press after 15 seconds passes since the last reinforcement
- Real world example: FI24 hour = calling a radio station is reinforced with a chance to win a prize, but the person can only sign up once per day
- Variable ratio (VR) schedules deliver reinforcement after a random number of responses (based upon a predetermined average)
- Example: VR3 = on average, every third response is reinforced
- Lab example: VR10 = on average, a rat is reinforced for each 10 bar presses
- Real world example: VR37/VR38 = a roulette player betting on specific numbers will win on average once every 37 or 38 tries, depending on whether the wheel has a 00 slot.
- Variable interval (VI) schedules deliver reinforcement for the first response after a random average length of time passes since the last reinforcement
- Example: VI3" = reinforcement is provided for the first response after an average of 3 seconds since the last reinforcement.
- Lab example: VI10" = a rat is reinforced for the first bar press after an average of 10 seconds passes since the last reinforcement
- Real world example: a predator can expect to come across a prey on a variable interval schedule.
Oct 6, 2010
Research: Types of Report !
Types of Report
The research report used for the business situation is of various types. These reports could be classified as follows:
• Formal-informal
• Written-oral
• Internal-external
• Short-long
• Informational-analytical, and
• Technical-popular
All of these reports have their own formats and styles of reporting.
Basically, the research report has been classified into two groups for the purpose of thesis writing.
1. Descriptive Report:
Descriptive reports can be defined as a description of facts, opinions gathered by the researcher during field work. This collected information should be presented in an organized manner so that it could be able to attract the readers' attention. These reports indicate the nature of the problems an organization is facing and its ways of solving the problems simultaneously.
2. Analytical Report:
This report goes one step ahead of the descriptive report. It does not only describe the problem under investigation, present the facts, figures and factual information about the situations but it also reports the process of scientific investigation and reporting. This report also recommends the possible techniques for the improvements min the situations.
Formats/ Layout of the Thesis report
There is no magic formula that can be given to ensure the desired research report. However, a format or structure is presented I in order to help organize the students in organizing the materials and reporting the research findings.
The reason behind a particular report format is that there are high chances of rejecting your thesis in the case of not meeting the standard format of thesis report.
A thesis report mainly consists of three divisions: prefatory, body and supplementary.
1. Prefatory material:
• Title of the report
• Approval sheet
• Acknowledgements
• Executives summary
• Tables of contents
• Lists of tables and figures
2. Body of the report
• Introduction
• Review of literature
• Methodology
• Presentation and analysis of data
• Summary and conclusion
3. Supplementary material
• References
• Appendices
Types of Report
The research report used for the business situation is of various types. These reports could be classified as follows:
• Formal-informal
• Written-oral
• Internal-external
• Short-long
• Informational-analytical, and
• Technical-popular
All of these reports have their own formats and styles of reporting.
Basically, the research report has been classified into two groups for the purpose of thesis writing.
1. Descriptive Report:
Descriptive reports can be defined as a description of facts, opinions gathered by the researcher during field work. This collected information should be presented in an organized manner so that it could be able to attract the readers' attention. These reports indicate the nature of the problems an organization is facing and its ways of solving the problems simultaneously.
2. Analytical Report:
This report goes one step ahead of the descriptive report. It does not only describe the problem under investigation, present the facts, figures and factual information about the situations but it also reports the process of scientific investigation and reporting. This report also recommends the possible techniques for the improvements min the situations.
Formats/ Layout of the Thesis report
There is no magic formula that can be given to ensure the desired research report. However, a format or structure is presented I in order to help organize the students in organizing the materials and reporting the research findings.
The reason behind a particular report format is that there are high chances of rejecting your thesis in the case of not meeting the standard format of thesis report.
A thesis report mainly consists of three divisions: prefatory, body and supplementary.
1. Prefatory material:
• Title of the report
• Approval sheet
• Acknowledgements
• Executives summary
• Tables of contents
• Lists of tables and figures
2. Body of the report
• Introduction
• Review of literature
• Methodology
• Presentation and analysis of data
• Summary and conclusion
3. Supplementary material
• References
• Appendices
Research: Methods of collecting Primary data !
Methods of collecting primary Data
Primary data are those data which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happens to be original in character. Basically the primary source of collecting data can be broadly categorized into three forms: mail questionnaires, interviews and observations.
A questionnaire is a formal lists of questions designed to gather responses from the respondents on a given topic. Thus, a well designed questionnaire is an efficient data collecting mechanism when the researcher knows exactly what is required and how to measure the variables of interest. A questionnaire translates the research objective into specific questions. The answers to these questions provide the relevant data for the hypotheses testing.
Types of Questionnaires:
Questionnaires can be classified into two categories:
1. Self-administered Questionnaires:
• Online questionnaire
• Mail(postal) questionnaire
• Delivery and collection questionnaire
2. Interviewer A administration
• Telephone questionnaire
• Interview schedules
Components of Questionnaire
Basically the components of questionnaire have been categorized into three forms: explanation information, basic information and classification information. This information normally appears in the order lists.
1. Explanation Information:
The researcher provides the information to respondent explaining the purposes of the study. This information is normally given at the beginning of the questionnaires as instructions to respondents along with the polite request in order to help providing the needy and relevant information. It explains the purposes of the study, makes an appeal for responses, and provides information for completing the questionnaires properly. The explanation information should contain the researcher introduction, his/her position, occupation and the institution whereby he/she belongs from.
2. Basic Information:
The basic information is that part of information which is required to solve the problems under investigation. It helps researcher to arrive at the final conclusion through the questionnaires collected from the respondents. This part of questionnaires covers all the necessary information or subjects under investigation.
3. Classification of Information:
Classification information is closely related with the personal information of the researcher. Basically the demographic information should not be incorporated at the beginning of the questionnaires so as to avoid the tediousness to the respondents. Most of the commonly gathered information include:
(a) age, (b) gender, (c) education, (d) marital status, (e) family income, (f) Occupation and so on
Types of Research Interviews
Basically there are two types of research interview:
1. One-to-one interview:
• Face-to-face interviews
• Telephone interviews
2. One- to- many interviews
• Focus group interviews
Methods of collecting primary Data
Primary data are those data which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happens to be original in character. Basically the primary source of collecting data can be broadly categorized into three forms: mail questionnaires, interviews and observations.
A questionnaire is a formal lists of questions designed to gather responses from the respondents on a given topic. Thus, a well designed questionnaire is an efficient data collecting mechanism when the researcher knows exactly what is required and how to measure the variables of interest. A questionnaire translates the research objective into specific questions. The answers to these questions provide the relevant data for the hypotheses testing.
Types of Questionnaires:
Questionnaires can be classified into two categories:
1. Self-administered Questionnaires:
• Online questionnaire
• Mail(postal) questionnaire
• Delivery and collection questionnaire
2. Interviewer A administration
• Telephone questionnaire
• Interview schedules
Components of Questionnaire
Basically the components of questionnaire have been categorized into three forms: explanation information, basic information and classification information. This information normally appears in the order lists.
1. Explanation Information:
The researcher provides the information to respondent explaining the purposes of the study. This information is normally given at the beginning of the questionnaires as instructions to respondents along with the polite request in order to help providing the needy and relevant information. It explains the purposes of the study, makes an appeal for responses, and provides information for completing the questionnaires properly. The explanation information should contain the researcher introduction, his/her position, occupation and the institution whereby he/she belongs from.
2. Basic Information:
The basic information is that part of information which is required to solve the problems under investigation. It helps researcher to arrive at the final conclusion through the questionnaires collected from the respondents. This part of questionnaires covers all the necessary information or subjects under investigation.
3. Classification of Information:
Classification information is closely related with the personal information of the researcher. Basically the demographic information should not be incorporated at the beginning of the questionnaires so as to avoid the tediousness to the respondents. Most of the commonly gathered information include:
(a) age, (b) gender, (c) education, (d) marital status, (e) family income, (f) Occupation and so on
Types of Research Interviews
Basically there are two types of research interview:
1. One-to-one interview:
• Face-to-face interviews
• Telephone interviews
2. One- to- many interviews
• Focus group interviews
Psychology Audio: Modern Psychology in Historical Context !
To listen/download Audio note on 'Modern Psychology in Historical Context' given by Mr. Shishir Subba, CLICK HERE !
To listen/download Audio note on 'Modern Psychology in Historical Context' given by Mr. Shishir Subba, CLICK HERE !
Sep 30, 2010
Notice about PU board exam forms !
Dear Students,
Last date of PU semester end examination forms submission is October 04, 2010.
APEX College
Last date of PU semester end examination forms submission is October 04, 2010.
APEX College
Sep 20, 2010
Sep 17, 2010
2nd Assesment Routine
Time: 10am-1pm
26 Sep- Sunday: Data Analysis and Modeling
27 Sep- Monday: Psychology
28 Sep- Tuesday: Fundamental of Logic
29 Sep- Wednesday: Finance I
30 Sep- Thursday: Research Methodology
Time: 10am-1pm
26 Sep- Sunday: Data Analysis and Modeling
27 Sep- Monday: Psychology
28 Sep- Tuesday: Fundamental of Logic
29 Sep- Wednesday: Finance I
30 Sep- Thursday: Research Methodology
Sep 9, 2010
Sep 7, 2010
Research asgmt-28 aug
Q: Write a proposal on any topic you like.
Deadline: 7th sep, 2010
Effect of School on a Student's Academic Performance Research Proposal Paper
Effect of School on a Student's Academic Performance
Schools are the second home of the students. Within the four corners of the classroom, students are expecting to learn through the series of subjects, from basic counting to the literature writing and so on. In addition, the teachers are always present together with their module to build the knowledge for their future. School is the most desirable institution that should be always present in every country and therefore, it can definitely change the lives of the young people.
Background and Problem Statement
Aside from the traditional pedagogical teaching techniques, schools are also opening the new educational intervention to provide the student’s learning needs. The most popular teaching techniques that are available are the use of the technology such as the computer to increase the educational level and academic performance. The use of computers and Internet can deliberately provide learning outcomes to their students (O’Dwyer, et al., 2005). However, the most common problem that may arise is the protection and security of the users (both students and teachers) in viewing the networking sites. Still, many educators believe that academic performance of the students should not only rely on the technological innovation but under the care of the educational institution or schools.
Research Aim and Objectives
The main aim of the study is to investigate the essential effect of schools towards the students’ academic performance. In order to align all the ideas and information in delivering the said goal, there are three supporting objectives. First is to give details on the common problems of the students in achieving the academic performance. Second is to describe the various actions of the schools in providing the appropriate education with regards to the challenges being faced by the students. And last is to recognize the effects of the schools in the level of education in their respective countries.
Literature Review
There are many split opinions and suggestions on how to improve their students’ academic performance. Students are plagued with different issues and challenges in achieving the success in academic; however educators and school administrators said that the problem is not about the performance standards of the schools (Edyburn, 2006). The problems identified include the inadequate background on the lecture of the teachers and their long working hours inside the classroom. As for the students, they have lack of time to study and seeking advice, lack of management skills, bad study habits and skills, and lack of self-confidence. At some point, students are vulnerable in the personal problems like in their family, responsibilities in both social and extracurricular activities, and financial problems (Addus, Chen, & Khan, 2007). The academic performance can still be achieved through the students’ initiatives and commitment to attain a good education should reflect on their study habits and cooperation, and motivation and efforts to seek assistance might result to the academic performance. The use of the technology and continuous promotion of the schools on the educational interventions are viewed as an effective step to fill the learning gaps of the students. The collaboration of technology and teaching among the schools can be a good start in academic performance (Edyburn, 2006). Within the school, there is a continuous research and development process to improve the curriculum and increase the social communication. The increase participation of the students inside the classroom is a recognizable performance towards their openness and learning that can result in their overall development (Adeyemo and Kuye, 2006; O’Dwyer, et al., 2005). In addition, the educational investments such as providing other facilities can strongly contribute to increase the academic performance of the students. With the help of the investments and support of the government, there is a strong indication of effectiveness of the schools in delivering the academic performances (Kang, 2007).
The most desirable method is the use of the secondary information coming from the report of the schools (whether in primary, secondary, or tertiary/college). The secondary data can be also acquired from the national achievement test that was implemented in the country. It can be also obtained from the survey that was conducted in the participation of the educators in different levels and from the education department’s assessment on the changes on educational level from the past year up to the recent.
Schools are the institutions that should be supported by the government and they should receive the adequate attention to adequately provide the desirable academic performance of the students as perceived by the parents.
Addus, A., Chen, D., & Khan, A., 2007. Academic Performance and Advisement of University Students: A Case Study, College Student Journal, Vol. 41, No. 2.
Adeyemo, A., & Kuye, G., 2006. Mining Students’ Academic Performance Using Decision Tree Algorithms, Journal of Information Technology Impact, Vol. 6, No. 3 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 June 2010]
Edyburn, D., 2006. Evaluate Academic Performance With and Without Technology, MACUL Journal [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 June 2010].
Kang, C., 2007. Does Money Matter? The Effect of Private Educational Expenditures on Academic Performance [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 June 2010].
O’Dwyer, L., Russell, M., Bebell, D., & Seeley, K., 2005. Examining the Relationship between Home and School Computer Use and Students’ English/Language Arts Test Scores, The Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, Vol. 3, No. 3 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 June 2010]
FOR MORE SAMPLES-click here ! (Don't copy the proposal named 'Role of Parents in Developing the Reading Skills of their Children')
Deadline: 7th sep, 2010
Effect of School on a Student's Academic Performance Research Proposal Paper
Effect of School on a Student's Academic Performance
Schools are the second home of the students. Within the four corners of the classroom, students are expecting to learn through the series of subjects, from basic counting to the literature writing and so on. In addition, the teachers are always present together with their module to build the knowledge for their future. School is the most desirable institution that should be always present in every country and therefore, it can definitely change the lives of the young people.
Background and Problem Statement
Aside from the traditional pedagogical teaching techniques, schools are also opening the new educational intervention to provide the student’s learning needs. The most popular teaching techniques that are available are the use of the technology such as the computer to increase the educational level and academic performance. The use of computers and Internet can deliberately provide learning outcomes to their students (O’Dwyer, et al., 2005). However, the most common problem that may arise is the protection and security of the users (both students and teachers) in viewing the networking sites. Still, many educators believe that academic performance of the students should not only rely on the technological innovation but under the care of the educational institution or schools.
Research Aim and Objectives
The main aim of the study is to investigate the essential effect of schools towards the students’ academic performance. In order to align all the ideas and information in delivering the said goal, there are three supporting objectives. First is to give details on the common problems of the students in achieving the academic performance. Second is to describe the various actions of the schools in providing the appropriate education with regards to the challenges being faced by the students. And last is to recognize the effects of the schools in the level of education in their respective countries.
Literature Review
There are many split opinions and suggestions on how to improve their students’ academic performance. Students are plagued with different issues and challenges in achieving the success in academic; however educators and school administrators said that the problem is not about the performance standards of the schools (Edyburn, 2006). The problems identified include the inadequate background on the lecture of the teachers and their long working hours inside the classroom. As for the students, they have lack of time to study and seeking advice, lack of management skills, bad study habits and skills, and lack of self-confidence. At some point, students are vulnerable in the personal problems like in their family, responsibilities in both social and extracurricular activities, and financial problems (Addus, Chen, & Khan, 2007). The academic performance can still be achieved through the students’ initiatives and commitment to attain a good education should reflect on their study habits and cooperation, and motivation and efforts to seek assistance might result to the academic performance. The use of the technology and continuous promotion of the schools on the educational interventions are viewed as an effective step to fill the learning gaps of the students. The collaboration of technology and teaching among the schools can be a good start in academic performance (Edyburn, 2006). Within the school, there is a continuous research and development process to improve the curriculum and increase the social communication. The increase participation of the students inside the classroom is a recognizable performance towards their openness and learning that can result in their overall development (Adeyemo and Kuye, 2006; O’Dwyer, et al., 2005). In addition, the educational investments such as providing other facilities can strongly contribute to increase the academic performance of the students. With the help of the investments and support of the government, there is a strong indication of effectiveness of the schools in delivering the academic performances (Kang, 2007).
The most desirable method is the use of the secondary information coming from the report of the schools (whether in primary, secondary, or tertiary/college). The secondary data can be also acquired from the national achievement test that was implemented in the country. It can be also obtained from the survey that was conducted in the participation of the educators in different levels and from the education department’s assessment on the changes on educational level from the past year up to the recent.
Schools are the institutions that should be supported by the government and they should receive the adequate attention to adequately provide the desirable academic performance of the students as perceived by the parents.
Addus, A., Chen, D., & Khan, A., 2007. Academic Performance and Advisement of University Students: A Case Study, College Student Journal, Vol. 41, No. 2.
Adeyemo, A., & Kuye, G., 2006. Mining Students’ Academic Performance Using Decision Tree Algorithms, Journal of Information Technology Impact, Vol. 6, No. 3 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 June 2010]
Edyburn, D., 2006. Evaluate Academic Performance With and Without Technology, MACUL Journal [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 June 2010].
Kang, C., 2007. Does Money Matter? The Effect of Private Educational Expenditures on Academic Performance [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 June 2010].
O’Dwyer, L., Russell, M., Bebell, D., & Seeley, K., 2005. Examining the Relationship between Home and School Computer Use and Students’ English/Language Arts Test Scores, The Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, Vol. 3, No. 3 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 June 2010]
FOR MORE SAMPLES-click here ! (Don't copy the proposal named 'Role of Parents in Developing the Reading Skills of their Children')
Sep 5, 2010
About VISION Vest !
We (Vision) are goin to make our own vest with following logo very soon. So it is notified to all VISION students to bring Rs. 500 by Monday (6 Sep).
We (Vision) are goin to make our own vest with following logo very soon. So it is notified to all VISION students to bring Rs. 500 by Monday (6 Sep).
![]() |
logo: VISION |
Aug 31, 2010
Notice about holiday (1 sep)
College will be closed on 1 september (Wednesday) due to 'krishnastami' festival of Hindus !
College will be closed on 1 september (Wednesday) due to 'krishnastami' festival of Hindus !
Aug 30, 2010
Info about SMART Presentation ! (with group/topic division)
IMP Dates:
Article submission date: 3 sep
Report submission date: 12 sep
Final presentation date: 16 sep
About Presentation:
-This presentation carries 25 marks of internal
-Presentation should be given with the help of
Powerpoint Slides.
-Students should come on formal dress.
About Presentation:
-This presentation carries 25 marks of internal
-Presentation should be given with the help of
Powerpoint Slides.
-Students should come on formal dress.
(Official website of ministry of Finance of Nepal) to get article
related to your topic.
-OR go to for related article.
-Submit selected (one) article by 3 sep
-Make review of submitted article and submit report by 12 sep.
1. Ashma Khanal
2. Bibush Shakya
3. Bishu Lama
4. Anup Shakya
5. Asmit B. Pant
1. Amish Sharma
2. Arunima Shrestha
3. Barun Singh Basnet
4. Biraja Gautam
5. Dilip Thapa Magar
1. Kiran Shrestha
2. Kalden P. Lama
3. Kritika Acharya
4. Mukesh Baitha
5. Nisha Dahal
1. Kishwor Bartaula
2. Priya Rauniyar
3. Kaushal Sariya
4. Smrity Bista
5. Shrija Tripathi
1. Mrinal Neogy
2. Nikita Tekrywal
3. Niraj Bhatta
3. Niraj Bhatta
4. Pravesh Dhungana
5. Ravi Shakya
1. Sanjiv Paudyal
2. Saugat Guragain
3. Soniya Agrawal
4. Sushant Bhandari
5. Sandipa Katwal
1. Sudeshna Timsina
2. Shashikant Mandal
3. Sunil k. Giri
4. Makendra B. Shahi
Aug 23, 2010
notice !
College will be closed on 24 & 25 august (tuesday & wednesday).
College will be closed on 24 & 25 august (tuesday & wednesday).
Aug 17, 2010
Notice for NQ students !
Date: 16-Aug-010
This is notify to all levels of student of Apex College that exam division of college is going to run Internal Exam for NQ subjects in near future. The student having NQ subjects of remaining in different semesters of Pokhara University and want to clear it in time at college level are requested to contact following personnels for further guidence.
Thank You !
1. Mr. Durga Prasad Khatiwada, Old photocopy room, Library building
2. Mr. Jagadish Basnet, Library room, Library building (8:00-15:00)
3. Mr. Raj Kumar Pyakurel, Main building, (8:00-15:00)
Date: 16-Aug-010
This is notify to all levels of student of Apex College that exam division of college is going to run Internal Exam for NQ subjects in near future. The student having NQ subjects of remaining in different semesters of Pokhara University and want to clear it in time at college level are requested to contact following personnels for further guidence.
Thank You !
1. Mr. Durga Prasad Khatiwada, Old photocopy room, Library building
2. Mr. Jagadish Basnet, Library room, Library building (8:00-15:00)
3. Mr. Raj Kumar Pyakurel, Main building, (8:00-15:00)
Aug 1, 2010
Congratulation APEX !
We congratulate APEX for becoming winner of the PU-cup intercollegge football tournament. And we like to thank and congratulate Mr. Kiran Shrestha for making VISION proud by his memorable performance in this tournament.
We congratulate APEX for becoming winner of the PU-cup intercollegge football tournament. And we like to thank and congratulate Mr. Kiran Shrestha for making VISION proud by his memorable performance in this tournament.
Jul 30, 2010
Jul 29, 2010
Psychology Book !
Book of psychology provided by Mr. Shishir Subba (Pshychology teacher):+>
(34 MB, pdf file): Download
Jul 24, 2010
1st internal EXM-Routine
Time: 10am-1pm
2 (Monday): DAM
3 (Tuesday): Psychology
4 (Wednesday): Logic
5 (Thursday): Finance I
6 (Friday): Research
Jul 23, 2010
Research Asgnmts. (23 july)
3. Describe the functions of review of literature.
4. Discuss the purposes of review of literatuire.
5. Write short notes on:
a) Recording the references
b) Organizing library findings
6. How do you evaluate the content of review of
literature ?
Asgmt. 3 (Sampling)
1. Define Sampling. Explain the importance of sampling in research.
2. Describe the sampling process in detail.
3. Explain the different types of sampling. Describe each of them in detail.
4. What do you mean by sampling error and non-sampling error ?
5. Explain the process of determining sample size under the study.
(Sumission date: wednesday, july 28)
Asgmt. 2 (Review of Literature)
1. What do you mean by review of literature ?

1. What do you mean by review of literature ?
Why do you think it is important for the researcher ?
2. Explain the process of review of literature.3. Describe the functions of review of literature.
4. Discuss the purposes of review of literatuire.
5. Write short notes on:
a) Recording the references
b) Organizing library findings
6. How do you evaluate the content of review of
literature ?
Asgmt. 3 (Sampling)
1. Define Sampling. Explain the importance of sampling in research.
2. Describe the sampling process in detail.
3. Explain the different types of sampling. Describe each of them in detail.
4. What do you mean by sampling error and non-sampling error ?
5. Explain the process of determining sample size under the study.
Jul 20, 2010
Research Asgnmt. 2 (18 july)
First Chapter: Answer all the Board exam Questions
Second Chapter: Review of any 10 articles
(Submission date: 23 july, friday)
for articles-
-go to and type 'journal of management' .
-If you have 'ADOBE READER' (if not, download adobe reader ) , then click here and search.
Second Chapter: Review of any 10 articles
(Submission date: 23 july, friday)
for articles-
-go to and type 'journal of management' .
-If you have 'ADOBE READER' (if not, download adobe reader ) , then click here and search.
Jul 18, 2010
Psychology Presentation: Group division
Topic: 'Organization and level of Stress'
(Detail information about presentation is given in handout provided to each group.)
Group 1:
1. Amish Sharma
2. Ravi Shakya
3. Kiran Shrestha
4. Kishwor Bartaula
5. Asmit Pant
6. Dilip Thapamagar
7. Barun Singh Basnet
Group 2:
1. Sudeshna Timsina
2. Biraja Gautam
3. Ashma Khanal
4. Shrija Tripathi
5. Kritika Acharya
6. Nikita Tekrywal
7. Nisha Dahal
Group 3:
1. Bishu Lama
2. Priya Rauniyar
3. Smrity Bista
4. Sandipa Katwal
5. Arunima Shrestha
6. Soniya Agrawal
Group 4:
1. Prabesh Dhungana
2. Sunil Giri
3. Mukesh Baitha
4. Kaushal Sariya
5. Shashikant Mandal
Group 5:
1. Anup Shakya
2. Makendra B. Shahi
3. Sanjeev Paudyal
4. Saugat Guragain
5. Sushant Bhandari
6. Mrinal Neogy
7. Bibush Shakya
Topic: 'Organization and level of Stress'
(Detail information about presentation is given in handout provided to each group.)
Group 1:
1. Amish Sharma
2. Ravi Shakya
3. Kiran Shrestha
4. Kishwor Bartaula
5. Asmit Pant
6. Dilip Thapamagar
7. Barun Singh Basnet
Group 2:
1. Sudeshna Timsina
2. Biraja Gautam
3. Ashma Khanal
4. Shrija Tripathi
5. Kritika Acharya
6. Nikita Tekrywal
7. Nisha Dahal
Group 3:
1. Bishu Lama
2. Priya Rauniyar
3. Smrity Bista
4. Sandipa Katwal
5. Arunima Shrestha
6. Soniya Agrawal
Group 4:
1. Prabesh Dhungana
2. Sunil Giri
3. Mukesh Baitha
4. Kaushal Sariya
5. Shashikant Mandal
Group 5:
1. Anup Shakya
2. Makendra B. Shahi
3. Sanjeev Paudyal
4. Saugat Guragain
5. Sushant Bhandari
6. Mrinal Neogy
7. Bibush Shakya
DAM asgmt. 2 (July)
Page no. 928
EX: from 16.7 to 16.13
Page no. 937
EX: 16.18, 16.19
Jul 13, 2010
Updated class routine (july 13, '010)
-photo by Arunima Shrestha
(click below's pic to enlarge 'n' save it to ur mobile)
(click below's pic to enlarge 'n' save it to ur mobile)
Mon: Finance, Logic
Tue: DAM, Psychology, Logic
Wed: Finance, Logic, Research
Fri: Finance, Research
Jul 4, 2010
World Cup-Final 2010 to be screened at the Dasarath Stadium in Kathmandu
The World Cup football is one of the most sought after international games in Nepal. And there is a one good news for football fans of Nepal. The Final of the world cup is coming to the Dasarath Stadium in Kathmandu … through five big screens with different angles !
The World Cup football is one of the most sought after international games in Nepal. And there is a one good news for football fans of Nepal. The Final of the world cup is coming to the Dasarath Stadium in Kathmandu … through five big screens with different angles !
Nepal National and International Players Association (NNIPA) and Growth Sellers
Consultancy have teamed-up to broadcast World Cup 2010 live from South Africa, in Dasarath Stadium, Kathmandu.
The main sponsor of the live broadcast is Gurans Life Insurance Company.
The organizers plan to have musical programs, food festival, and face painting facilities in the stadium.
The program will start on July 11 at 8:00PM local time. The final game will start at
12:15 AM local time. For the purpose five big screens measuring 30’x25’ will be
installed. The organizers have estimated the cost of the live broadcast to be around Rs. 4,000,000. The organizers had tried to cover the cost from the sponsors but enough amount couldn’t be collected, so nominal entrance fee will be taken from the viewers.
Jun 30, 2010
Congratulation !
We congratulate BIRGUNJ PUBLIC COLLEGE in the ocassion of its 10th anniversary and wish for its further success.
Panitanki, Birgunj-10,
Parsa, Nepal
Tel: 051-532198,051-526138

-Ravi Shakya 'N'
College datails:
Birgunj Public College Panitanki, Birgunj-10,
Parsa, Nepal
Tel: 051-532198,051-526138