Dec 30, 2011
Dec 16, 2011
Syllabus-7th Sem
Strategic Management I
MGT 111.3
BBA, Fourth Year, Seventh Semester
MGT 111.3
BBA, Fourth Year, Seventh Semester
Course Objectives:
This course aims to introduce the students to the fundamental concepts of strategic management. The course also aims to develop skills in students to develop a mission statement, perform an external audit, conduct an internal assessment, and formulate strategies through cases and experiential exercises.
Course Contents:
1. Strategic management 7 hours
Definition: Dimensions of strategic decisions, Levels of strategy, Characteristics of strategic management decisions, Formality in strategic management, Value of strategic management, Role of chief executives in strategic management.
2. External environmental analysis and forecasting 5 hours
Components of remote environment: economic, social, political, legal (legislation and regulations), technological (PEST analysis), Linking strategy with ethics and social responsibility.
3. Establishing company direction 6 hours
Developing business mission and strategic vision. Communicating the strategic vision. Setting performance objectives. Strategic objectives versus financial objectives. Strategic intent. Strategy making pyramid: Corporate strategy, Business strategy, Functional strategy and operational strategy. Uniting the strategy making effort.
4. Industry and competitive analysis 6 hours
Methods of industry and competitive analysis, Five forces of competition, Driving forces, Environmental scanning techniques, Strategic group maps, Monitoring competition, Key factors for competitive success evaluating
5. Evaluating company resources and competitive capabilities 8 hours
Strengths and resources capabilities, Weakness and resource deficiencies, Competencies and capabilities, Market opportunities, Threats to future profitability, Strategic cost analysis and value chains, Benchmarking, Competitive capabilities to competitive advantage
5. Strategic options 10 hours
Generic strategies: Low cost provider strategy, Differentiation strategy, Best-cost provider strategy, focused strategy. Grand Strategies: Concentration, Market development, Product development, Innovation, Horizontal integration, Vertical integration, Joint Venture, Concentric diversification, Conglomerate diversification, Retrenchment/turnaround, Diverstiture, Liquidation.
6. Strategic analysis and choice 6 hours
Evaluating and choosing strategies, Industry environment and strategy choices, Evaluating and choosing to diversity
Text Books
1. Pearce, John A. and Robinson, Richard B: Strategic Management, AITBS, Delhi.
2. Thomson, Arthur A. and Stickland III, Strategic Management, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Agrawal, G.R: Business Strategy & Strategic Management in Nepal, M.K. Publisher Kathmandu
Investment Decisions
BBA, Specialization, Finance
BBA, Specialization, Finance
Course Objectives:
This course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skill required to value financial assets and portfolio of financial assets. Finance I and Finance II are prerequisites for this course.
Course Contents:
1. Review and Risk and Return 6 hours
Probability distribution of the investment returns, expected rate, variance, standard deviation, covariance, and correlation of returns.
Investors' constraints: risk aversion, liquidity, time horizon, etc.
Appropriate risk measures for individual assets, and portfolio of assets. Risk contribution of components asset on risk of a portfolio.
2. Portfolio Theory, Asset Allocation and Security Selection 9 hours
Markowitz portfolio selection model; Tobin’s separation theorem and resulting tangency portfolio; Capital Allocation
Line and Capital Market Line; Risk Aversion and Asset Allocation; Active vs Passive strategy for asset allocation.
Systematic and Unsystematic risk, Security Market Line, and Capita! Asset pricing Model.
3. Interest Rates and Risk Premiums 6 hours
Interest rates and their determination, term structure of interest rates and theories of term structures: real and nominal
interest rates; Interest Rate Structures in Nepalese Financial Market
4. Bond Price and Yields 9 hours
Price and Yield to Maturity (YTM) Relationship; Relationship among coupon rate, YTM. and current yield for Premium Bond, Discount Bond, and Bond at Par; yield-to-maturity, yield-to-call, holding period return, promised yield and realized yield, yield to call. Price risk and reinvestment rate risks on bond investment; Maturity effect and coupon effect on interest rate risk, Macaulay’s Duration and Modified Duration; Immunization by duration matching. Relating the concepts learned to real life through observation of Nepal’s Treasury Bills and Government Bond markets.
5. Valuation of Common Stocks 9 hours
Fundamental Analysis; Dividend discount model with zero-growth, constant perpetual growth, two-staged growth; Price Ratio Analysis: PIE, Price to Book, Price to sales, etc.
Market efficiency and stock Price Behavior in developed market. Comparing and contrasting the stock price behavior in Nepalese market. Relating concepts learnt to value some of the stocks traded on Nepal Stock Exchange.
6. Valuation of Options and options linked securities 9 hours
Types of basic option contracts: put and call; Factors affecting options value; Pricing options with one period and two periods to expiry using binomial method; Evaluating investment projects with options with to abandon and expand; Valuation of warrants; valuation of convertible securities.
Text Books
1. Bodies, Z., Kane A., and Marcus A. J.: Investments, McGraw-Hill Irwin.
2. Brealey, R. A. and Myers, S. C.: Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill
Reference Books
1. Sharpe, W. F., Alexander, G. J., and Bailey, J. V.: Investments, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Cheney, J. M., and Moses, E. A.: Fundamentals of Investments, West Publishing Company.
3. Corrado, Carles J and Jordan, Bradford D.: Fundamentals of Investments, McGraw-Hill International Editions
4. Chance, Don M.: An Introduction to Derivative and Risk Management, THOMSON South-Western
Corporate Financing Decisions
BBA, Specialization, Finance
BBA, Specialization, Finance
Course Objectives:
The course aims to equip students with basic concepts and necessary skills in raising capital for and managing financial assets of a firm. Finance I and Finance II are pre-requisite for this course. The course will cover the following topics.
Course Contents:
1. Measuring Capital Structure and Cost of Capital 6 hours
Cost of capital, cost of debt capital, cost of equity capital, weighted average cost of capital, its use and limitations. Measuring capital structure, calculating required return.
2. Theories of Capital Structure 6 hours
Factors affecting capital structure: MM proposition under perfect market assumption; Adjustment for market imperfections-tax, financial distress, agency problem, incentive effect of debt, information asymmetry; Static Tradeoff Theory; Pecking order theory of capital structure.
3. Security Structure of Firm 6 hours
Common stock, Preferred stock, convertible debt, warrants and options, and relevant components of Nepalese laws ad regulations (e.g, Company Act, Securities Board's regulations) affecting security design.
4. Measuring and Evaluating Financial Performance 9 hours
Analysis of financial statements- Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flows. Breakeven analysis, analysis of financial ratios, Economic value added (EVA) and limitations of such analysis. Applications of the concepts learnt in analysing companies and industries in the local market.
5. Methods of Raising Capital
Commercial Lending (by banks and financial institutions): credit analysis, loan covenants, principles and applications.
Leasing: significance, types of leases, accounting for leases, the financing decision, lease vs. borrow, lessor's point of view, lessee's point of view
Public issue of debt and equity: merits and demerits, rights offering, effect on the position of old and new shareholders
Venture Capital Its structure in the developed market; prospects for adopting in Nepalese environment
6. Liquidation or turnaround of distressed firm 3 hours
Financial distress; resolving financial distress; private workout and liquidation; legal and regulatory constraints.
7. Harvesting Business Investment 3 hours
Planning exit strategy; systematic liquidation, initial public offering, selling to acquiring firm, and current and potential use of these techniques in local market.
Text Books:
1. James C. Van Horne: Financial management and Policy, Prentice- Hall of India Pvt. Ltd
2. Brealey, Richard A. and Stewart C. Myers: Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill
Reference Books:
1. Leach, J. C, Melicher, Ronald W, Entrepreneurial Finance, Thomson south -Western
2. Brealey, Richard A. and Stewart C. Myers: Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill
3. Brigham, Gapanski, Ehourhardt: Financial Management and Theory, Practice, 9 th edition,
4. Archer, Readings in Finance.
Nov 15, 2011
Board Exam Routine : Spring 2011

22-Nov-11 Business Law VI
23 Business Mathematics II II
24 Data Analysis and Modeling IV
25 Entrepreneurship VI
26 English II II
27 Psychology IV
28 Human Resource Management VI
29 Financial Accounting II II
30 Fundamentals of Logic IV
1-Dec-11 International Business VI
2 Microeconomics II
3 Research Methodology IV
4 Operations Management VI
5 Programming Language II
6 Finance I IV
7 Business Mathematics I I
8 Business Communication III
9 Finance II V
10 Computer Application I
11 Business Statistics III
12 Management Information System V
13 English I I
14 Macroeconomics III
15 Nepalese Business Environment V
16 Principles of Management I
17 Management Accounting III
18 Principles of Marketing V
19 Financial Accounting I I
20 Sociology III
21 Organizational Relations V
1) All the Examination starts from 12.00 noon time. The duration of Examinations shall be of 3 hours.
2) If the examination of particular subject or course cannot be held due to unavoidable conditions, the examination of the particular date shall be held on the next day after the last date of examination. However, the prior notice about it shall be given.
3) For the practical exams, concerned college shall arrange on its own convenience.
Nov 13, 2011
Nov 8, 2011
handsout of Business Law
Chapter 9 Chapter 8 Bailment and Pledge.docx | ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&docid=7e515456f7b8eae6bd82ae615df41e92%7Cb75a642834cd1083c9d2b152ccc35dec&chan=EQAAACVMiNP1yiS4hzkY2cMD8r7gHohp0Ve7SjuCI0nmtlHR&a=v&rel=zip;z4;Bailment+and+Pledge.docx;z4;Bailment+and+Pledge.docx ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&a=sv&rel=zip;z4;Bailment+and+Pledge.docx;z4;Bailment+and+Pledge.docx | |||
Breach of Contract and Remedy.pptx | ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&docid=7e515456f7b8eae6bd82ae615df41e92%7Cb75a642834cd1083c9d2b152ccc35dec&chan=EQAAACVMiNP1yiS4hzkY2cMD8r7gHohp0Ve7SjuCI0nmtlHR&a=v&rel=zip;z1;Breach+of+Contract+and+Remedy.pptx;z1;Breach+of+Contract+and+Remedy.pptx ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&a=sv&rel=zip;z1;Breach+of+Contract+and+Remedy.pptx;z1;Breach+of+Contract+and+Remedy.pptx | |||
Consideration.pptx | ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&docid=7e515456f7b8eae6bd82ae615df41e92%7Cb75a642834cd1083c9d2b152ccc35dec&chan=EQAAACVMiNP1yiS4hzkY2cMD8r7gHohp0Ve7SjuCI0nmtlHR&a=v&rel=zip;z8;Consideration.pptx;z8;Consideration.pptx ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&a=sv&rel=zip;z8;Consideration.pptx;z8;Consideration.pptx | |||
Indemnity and Guarantee.docx | ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&docid=7e515456f7b8eae6bd82ae615df41e92%7Cb75a642834cd1083c9d2b152ccc35dec&chan=EQAAACVMiNP1yiS4hzkY2cMD8r7gHohp0Ve7SjuCI0nmtlHR&a=v&rel=zip;z5;Indemnity+and+Guarantee.docx;z5;Indemnity+and+Guarantee.docx ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&a=sv&rel=zip;z5;Indemnity+and+Guarantee.docx;z5;Indemnity+and+Guarantee.docx | |||
Meaning and Sources of Business Law.pptx | ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&docid=7e515456f7b8eae6bd82ae615df41e92%7Cb75a642834cd1083c9d2b152ccc35dec&chan=EQAAACVMiNP1yiS4hzkY2cMD8r7gHohp0Ve7SjuCI0nmtlHR&a=v&rel=zip;z13;Meaning+and+Sources+of+Business+Law.pptx;z13;Meaning+and+Sources+of+Business+Law.pptx ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&a=sv&rel=zip;z13;Meaning+and+Sources+of+Business+Law.pptx;z13;Meaning+and+Sources+of+Business+Law.pptx | |||
Nature and Sources of Law.pptx | ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&docid=7e515456f7b8eae6bd82ae615df41e92%7Cb75a642834cd1083c9d2b152ccc35dec&chan=EQAAACVMiNP1yiS4hzkY2cMD8r7gHohp0Ve7SjuCI0nmtlHR&a=v&rel=zip;z10;Nature+and+Sources+of+Law.pptx;z10;Nature+and+Sources+of+Law.pptx ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&a=sv&rel=zip;z10;Nature+and+Sources+of+Law.pptx;z10;Nature+and+Sources+of+Law.pptx | |||
Offer and Acceptance.pptx | ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&docid=7e515456f7b8eae6bd82ae615df41e92%7Cb75a642834cd1083c9d2b152ccc35dec&chan=EQAAACVMiNP1yiS4hzkY2cMD8r7gHohp0Ve7SjuCI0nmtlHR&a=v&rel=zip;z6;Offer+and+Acceptance.pptx;z6;Offer+and+Acceptance.pptx ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&a=sv&rel=zip;z6;Offer+and+Acceptance.pptx;z6;Offer+and+Acceptance.pptx | |||
Performance of Contract.pptx | ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&docid=7e515456f7b8eae6bd82ae615df41e92%7Cb75a642834cd1083c9d2b152ccc35dec&chan=EQAAACVMiNP1yiS4hzkY2cMD8r7gHohp0Ve7SjuCI0nmtlHR&a=v&rel=zip;z2;Performance+of+Contract.pptx;z2;Performance+of+Contract.pptx ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&a=sv&rel=zip;z2;Performance+of+Contract.pptx;z2;Performance+of+Contract.pptx | |||
Privity (Privacy) of Contract.pptx | ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&docid=7e515456f7b8eae6bd82ae615df41e92%7Cb75a642834cd1083c9d2b152ccc35dec&chan=EQAAACVMiNP1yiS4hzkY2cMD8r7gHohp0Ve7SjuCI0nmtlHR&a=v&rel=zip;z12;Privity+(Privacy)+of+Contract.pptx;z12;Privity+(Privacy)+of+Contract.pptx ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&a=sv&rel=zip;z12;Privity+(Privacy)+of+Contract.pptx;z12;Privity+(Privacy)+of+Contract.pptx | |||
Termination of Contract.pptx | ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&docid=7e515456f7b8eae6bd82ae615df41e92%7Cb75a642834cd1083c9d2b152ccc35dec&chan=EQAAACVMiNP1yiS4hzkY2cMD8r7gHohp0Ve7SjuCI0nmtlHR&a=v&rel=zip;z9;Termination+of+Contract.pptx;z9;Termination+of+Contract.pptx ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&a=sv&rel=zip;z9;Termination+of+Contract.pptx;z9;Termination+of+Contract.pptx | |||
The Court Systems, Jurisdiction and Civil Procedures.pptx | ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&docid=7e515456f7b8eae6bd82ae615df41e92%7Cb75a642834cd1083c9d2b152ccc35dec&chan=EQAAACVMiNP1yiS4hzkY2cMD8r7gHohp0Ve7SjuCI0nmtlHR&a=v&rel=zip;z3;The+Court+Systems,+Jurisdiction+and+Civil+Procedures.pptx;z3;The+Court+Systems,+Jurisdiction+and+Civil+Procedures.pptx ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&a=sv&rel=zip;z3;The+Court+Systems,+Jurisdiction+and+Civil+Procedures.pptx;z3;The+Court+Systems,+Jurisdiction+and+Civil+Procedures.pptx | |||
Void contracts.pptx | ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&docid=7e515456f7b8eae6bd82ae615df41e92%7Cb75a642834cd1083c9d2b152ccc35dec&chan=EQAAACVMiNP1yiS4hzkY2cMD8r7gHohp0Ve7SjuCI0nmtlHR&a=v&rel=zip;z11;Void+contracts.pptx;z11;Void+contracts.pptx ?pid=explorer&srcid=0BwNFLq1PwromNGZjMmVjMjQtMGQ2YS00ODE3LTliMTAtZmFmMmE2OTA5ZmI4&chrome=true&a=sv&rel=zip;z11;Void+contracts.pptx;z11;Void+contracts.pptx | |||
Voidable and Quasi Contracts.pptx |
Oct 9, 2011
Sep 21, 2011
Notice !
VIVA of Summer project will be held on September 26, Monday, 8am onward. The VIVA will be taken according to roll number.
VIVA of Summer project will be held on September 26, Monday, 8am onward. The VIVA will be taken according to roll number.
Sep 16, 2011
2nd Terminal Exam routine
Time : 10am
18 sept - HRM
19 Sept - OM
20 Sept - business law
21 sept - Int. Business
22 sept - Entrepreneurship
Sep 14, 2011
Letter of Approval for intern report
of Approval
Internship management team certifies that the internship report submitted by your name has
been read carefully and in our opinion it is satisfactory in scope and quality
as an internship project report in partial fulfillment for the undergraduate (your course
name) held at Apex College, Pokhara University. So we forward it for
further evaluation.
Internship Management Team
Apex College