1. Following letters should be submitted by coming sunday (April 4).
a. Inquiry Letter
b. Favourable response letter for Inquiry
c. Complaint/Claim Letter
d. Adjustment Grant Letter (Favourable Response to Complaint)
e. Unfavourable Response Letter for Complaint
f. Pesuasive Letter
g. Sales Letter
h. Job Application Letter and Resume
i. Memorandom
2. Past Paper of Business Communication Submission
a. 4 Sets for those who either fall under 'WITHHELD LIST'or who had got less than 35 marks in 1st Terminal Exam
b. 2 Sets for rest.
3. Write and submit a report by next FRIDAY about following topic:
"Causes of Traffic Jam from Old Baneshwor to New Baneshwor Area."
2 comments (click here to comment):
Dear Mr.CR
a humble request......... please remove all the assignments and terms related to 3rd sem. Its creating a massive confusion. you can also keep all those things in a seperate head, apart form 4th sem activities.
Thanking for your humble attention towards the problem.
tqs for ur very usefull suggestion, now all 3rd sem assgnmnt will be kept under the head '3rd sem' only... the term 'asgmt' will be removed... keep visiting..
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