

Nov 25, 2012

अविष्मरणीय ती तीन दिन

(Feedback for 3 days 'TRAINING CUM WORKSHOP' organized by APEX CAREER SERVICE)

बिहानैदेखिको भोक अनि ‘प्रीजेन्टेसन’को चाँपका बिच यो ठिटो त्यो दिन साथीहरुलाइ भन्दै थियो – ‘ट्रेनिङमा चाहि जसरी पनि बस्नुपर्छ है ।’ तर म आफै मनमनै सोच्दै थिए ‘सब प्रवचन नै त होला, म नै सबैभन्दा पहिला भाग्नेछु ।’ एपेक्स कलेजले बीबीए बी.आइ. र बी.सि.आइ.एस. जस्तै हामी बीबीए अन्तिम सेमेस्टरका विद्यार्थीका लागि भनेर गत सेप्टेम्बर २५, २६ र २७ मा ‘ट्रेनिङ कम् वर्कसप’ आयोजना ग¥यो । बिहान ६:३० देखि ११ बजे सम्मको लगातारको क्लास र त्यसपछि १२ देखि साँझ ६:३० सम्मको यो ‘ट्रेनिङ’, समग्रमा १२ घण्टाको यो कलेजको ‘वनवास’, कतै हाम्रो लागि एउटा ‘वोरिङ’ अनुभव मात्र त बन्नेछैन भनेर सुरुमा हामी नहिच्किएका होइनौँ । तर जब हामी ‘सिक्स सिग्मा हल’ मा छिर्यौँ, कुल सरको ‘कूल’ आवाजमा हामीले एउटा अजीव प्रतिबद्धता भेट्यौँ । हामीले महसुस गर्यौँ– ‘यो फ्रेन्च कटले केही न केही त पक्कै दिनेवाला छ ।’

शुरुमै विनय सरले कलेजपछि हामीले ‘जोरी खोज्नुपर्ने’ केही तथ्यहरुसँग हामीलाइ अवगत गराउनुभयो । उहाँले ‘ग्रेड डज नट म्याटर’ भन्दा नब्बे प्रतिशत भन्दा बढीले जोड जोडले ताली बजाए । ‘ग्रेडवाला’ भएपनि त्यो तालीमा मेरो ताली सबैभन्दा चर्को थियो । त्यसपछि भरत सरले नेपाल र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय एम.बी.ए. को तथ्यगत चित्रण राखिदिदा हामीले आफै संश्लेसन गर्यौँ ‘नेपालको एम.बी.ए. पनि कम रैनछ ।’ त्यसपछि नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकका डेप्युटी डाइरेक्टर डिल्लीराम पोखरेल सरले नेपालको वित्तिय क्षेत्रको वस्तुस्थिती छर्लङ्ग पार्नुभएको थियो ।

साँझ थकीत मुद्रामा गइसकेका हामी विद्यार्थीहरुलाइ भानु सरको ‘इमोसनल इन्टेलिजेन्स’ले राम्ररी तङ्ग्रायो । उहाँको कुराले हामी भावुक पनि बन्यौँ । समग्रमा मजस्तो ‘कन्फ्युज्ड’ पात्र समेत सकारात्मकताको गतिलो बाटोमा प्रवेश ग¥यो ।

अर्को दिन ‘जब् डाइनामिक्स’का राजीव सरलगायतले ‘रेज्युमी’, ‘कभर लेटर’, ‘इन्टरभ्यू’, ‘नेटवर्किङ’ लगायत विषयमा दिएको प्रशिक्षण देखिने हिसाबले नै निकै फलदायी सावित भयो । ‘इन्टरप्रिनियरसिप’ को वजनदार परिभाषा दिएर म्रिनल, किरण र श्रीतीले आकर्षक ‘भेष्ट’ जित्दा आफूले नै जितेजस्तो लाग्यो । त्यस्तै ‘लण्डन चेम्बर अफ कमर्स एण्ड इन्डस्ट्रीज’ का नेपालका जनरल मेनेजर रोसन राथी सरले कसरी सिप (SKILL) विकास गर्ने भन्ने बारेमा गरेका गहन कुरा हाम्रा लागी निकै महत्वपूर्ण रहे ।

यतिञ्जेलसम्म हामीले सुरुमा छिर्दा महसुस गरेका ‘वोरिङनेस’ र छटपटी हराइसकेको थियो । हामी अझ सिक्न आतुर थियौँ ।

कुनै समय ‘आँखा लोभी मन पापी’का निर्माता रहेका डा. मदन विष्टले लिएको अन्तिम दिनको पहिलो सेसन सबैभन्दा रमाइलो र अविष्मरणीय रह्यो । उहाँले भावसम्प्रेषण (COMMUNICATION), नेतृत्व (LEADERSHIP), व्यक्तित्व (PERSONALITY) लगायतका विषय निकै सरल र बुझिने तरिकाले राख्नुभयो । बेलाबेलामा हामीलाई विभिन्न ‘व्यायाम’ झै लाग्ने व्यावहारिक सिपविकासका नमुनाहरु गराउदा हल नै हाँसोले गुञ्जीन्थ्यो । त्यसपछि एन.वाइ.इ.एफ. का उपाध्यक्ष समिर थापा र सूर्य नेपालका मानव संसाधक प्रमूख (HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER) दिपेशमान श्रेष्ठको अनुभवसँगै हाम्रो तीनदिने ट्रेनिङ सकियो ।

हामीले उत्तिखेरै भन्यौँ ‘यो तीनदिन चारवर्षभन्दा बढि फलदायी भयो ।’ यो सत्य हो तर यो ट्रेनिङ केही न केही कमजोरीबाट पूर्णमूक्त चाहि थिएन । एउटा पनि महिला ट्रेनरलाइ ल्याउन नसक्नु समग्रमा आफ्ना ठाउमा उचाइ छोइरहेका महिला नेतृत्वहरुको अवमूल्यन थियो । साथै कुनै सेसनहरु पहिल्यै क्लासमा पढीसकेका टपिकहरुका पुनरावृति जस्ता पनि थिए । ‘नेगोसियसन’ सम्बन्धि विषय ‘सेड्युल’मा रहे पनि कार्यक्रममा यसको चर्चासमेत भएन । ‘इन्टरप्रिनियरसिप’ र ‘सिप (SKILL)’ सम्बन्धि धेरै कुरा धेरै चोटी दोहोरिदा केही सेसनहरु पट्यारिला पनि लागे ।

जे होस हामी केही ‘कन्फ्युज्ड’, केही ‘आवारा’ भएर ‘सिक्स सिग्मा हल’मा छिरेकाहरु निस्कदा सकारात्मकता र गहनताका साथ निस्किएका छौँ । कतिले त उतिखेरै घोषणा गरे ‘म अब केही वर्ष अनुभव सँगालेर मात्र एम.बी.ए. पढ्नेछु ।’ यो तीन दिनले विद्यार्थीहरुलाइ आफू को हुँ भनेर चिन्न मद्दत गर्यो, यो सबैभन्दा ठूलो उपलब्धि हो यो कार्यक्रमको । यसमानेमा कुल सर र उहाँको टिम आफ्नो प्रतिबद्धतामा खरो उत्रिएको छ । एपेक्स कलेजद्धारा प्रथम पल्ट आयोजित यो अनुभव हाम्रा लागी निकै महत्वपूर्ण र अविष्मरणीय रह्यो । यसमा विशेष विशेष भूमिका खेल्ने ‘एपेक्स करियर सर्भिस’ का कुल प्रसाइ सर र उहाँको जुझारु टिमलाइ हामी बीबीए अन्तिम सेमेस्टरका ‘भिजन एण्ड मिसन’का सम्पूर्ण विद्यार्थीका तर्फबाट लाखौलाख धन्यवाद !

Nov 16, 2012

Birthdays !

source: http://www.visionapexcollege.blogspot.com/
fresh air… fresh idea…
fresh talent… fresh energy…
'VISION' wish u to have a…
special sunday..
marvellous monday…
tasty tuesday…
wonderful wednesday…
thankful thursday…
friendly friday…
successful saturday…
*have a great weeks n years ahead*

  1. Sunil Kumar Giri, January 1
  2. Ravi Shakya,  January 5
  3. Mrinal Neogy, January 6
  4. kalden Phuntsok Lama, January 9
  5. Bibush Shakya, January 16
  6. Sushant Bhandari, January 18
  7. Biraja Gautam, January 29
  8. Shrijan Tuladhar, February 13
  9. Makendra Bahadur Shahi, March 9
  10. Smriti Bista, March 12
  11. Pawan Gurung  March 13
  12. Sandipa Katwal, March 17
  13. Amish Sharma, March 23
  14. Anup Shakya, March 26
  15. Priya Rauniyar, March 30
  16. Niraj Bhatta, April 2
  17. Soniya Agrawal, April 25
  18. Barun Singh Basnet, May 19
  19. Ashma Khanal, May 22
  20. Kushal Sariya, May 26
  21. Arunima Shrestha, June 4
  22. Asmit Bikram Pant, June 9
  23. Sudeshna Timsina, June 16
  24. Saugat Guragain, July 7
  25. kishwor Bartaula, July 9
  26. Shrija Tripathi, July 9
  27. Nisha Dahal, August 18
  28. Dilip Thapa,  August 20
  29. Sanjiv Paudyal, September 3
  30. Anshu Adhikari, September 19
  31. Kritika Acharya, September 23
  32. Bishu Lama, ???
  33. Pravesh Dhungana, December 6
  34. Anil K. Yadubansi, December 10
  35. Mukesh K. Baitha, December 13
  36. Nikita Tekriwal, December 20
  37. Kiran Shrestha ???
  38. Sashikant Mandal ???
  39. Parmeshwor Karki ???
  40. Anuj Bhattarai ???
  41. Ayush Raj Gyawali ???
  42. Santosh Kumar Chaudhari ???
  43. Sabita Adhikari ???

Nov 15, 2012

Students of VISION section

VISION is the most popular class/section of BBA of APEX College, NEPAL Which have just cleared its BBA degree (2012) but will be remain united forever. The name of students of this section are given below:

1. Ashma Khanal
2. Amish Sharma
3. Anil Kumar Yadubansi
4. Anshu Adhikari
5. Anuj Bhattarai
6. Anup Shakya
7. Arunima Shrestha
8. Asmit Bikram Pant
9. Ayush Raj Gyawali
10. Barun Singh Basnet
11. Bibush Shakya
12. Biraja Gautam
13. Bishu Lama
14. Dilip Thapa
15. Kalden Phuntsok Lama
16. Kaushal Saria
17. Kiran Shrestha
18. Kishor Bartaula
19. Kritika Acharya
20. Mrinal Kumal Neogy
21. Mukesh Kumar Baitha
22. Nikita Tekriwal
23. Niraj Bhatta
24. Nesha Dahal
25. Parmeshwor Karki
26. Pawan Gurung
27. Pravesh Dhungana
28. Priya Rauniyar
29. Ravi Shakya
30. Sanjiv Poudyal
31. Santosh Kumar Chaudhari
32. Saugat Guragain
33. Shashi Kant Mandal
34. Shrija Tripathi
35. Shrijan Tuladhar
36. Smriti Bista
37. Soniya Agrawal
38. Sudeshna Timilsina
39. Sunil Kumar Giri
40. Sushant Bhandari
41. Sabita Adhikari
42. Makendra Bahadur Shahi
43. Sandipa Katuwal

Nov 14, 2012

We... VISION !

source: http://www.visionapexcollege.blogspot.com

Oct 1, 2012

Routine of Board Examination

4th oct - International Finance

5th oct - Marketing communication

7th oct - Sales Management

8th 0ct - Investment Decision

9th oct. Logistic and supply chain management

10th oct - Service Marketing

11th oct - Strategic Management I (at Nobel College

13th oct - Strategic Management II 
 (at Nobel College (01 4110590))
14th oct - Corporate Finance

17th oct - Financial Institution and Market

1)    All the Examination starts from 1 PM. The duration of Examinations shall be of 3 hours.            
2)      If the examination of particular subject or course cannot be held due to unavoidable conditions, the  
         examination of the particular date shall be held on the next day after the last date of examination. 
             However, the prior notice about it shall be given.                   
3)    For the practical exams, concerned college shall arrange on its own convenience.

Sep 26, 2012

Questions of IF

Unit 1 Spot Exchange Market
Why do you think international finance is necessary for the multinational corporation? 
What is international finance? How is international financial management different from domestic financial management?                                                                                 
What is the difference between the retail or client market and the wholesale or interbank market for exchange market?
What do you mean by a spot exchange market? Who are the participants of spot exchange market?
Unit 2 Forward and Future Exchange Markets
What do you mean by forward exchange rate? Why does forward rate differ from spot rate?                                                                                      
What are the major differences between currency forward and futures contract? Explain.  
What is foreign exchange rate? Explain determinants of exchange rates?
What is currency option? How do American options differ from European options?
Unit 3 Balance of Payments
Define Balance of payment. Give a brief account of components of Balance of Payment.
Why would it be useful to examine a country’s balance-of-payment data?         
What is a current-account surplus?
What is a capital-account deficit?
Unit 4 International Parity Conditions
What do you mean purchasing power parity? Explain the absolute and relative purchasing power parity.   
What is purchasing power parity? Explain the reasons for departure from purchasing power parity.
What is interest rate parity? Explain the reasons for violation of interest parity conditions.
What do you mean Law of one price?
Unit 5 Foreign exchange risk and exposures
What do you mean by foreign exchange risk exposure? Explain the various hedging techniques available to manage foreign exchange risk.
What is meant by “operating exposure”?
What happens to an importer’s total revenue and cost after a devaluation of the importer’s currency? Explain 
What happens to an exporter’

Sep 11, 2012


Exercise on Personal Audit Sheet & Template of Undergraduate Profile - 
BCIS/BBA/BBA-BI 8th Semester - Spring 2012

Apex College Careers 

Dear All,
Warm Greetings from Apex Career Services - ACS

It is our pleasure to inform you that ACS is going to organise nine-day-long trainig cum workshop on 'Career Plannng & Development' to BBA, BBA - BI & BCIS 8th semester students who are going to pass out in October 2012.

This program would be milestone to take the right decision about your future career. 

The program outline is being prepared and the tentative program outline has been attached with this e-mail. 

Before participating in the program, you will have to complete an exercise on 'Personal Audit Sheet' & 'Undergraduate Profile.'

Your Personal Audit Sheet and Your Profile will be uploaded in our MIS and College Website and will  be shared with the potential & prospective employers.

Please complete the Personal Audit Sheet and Undergraduate Profile and send it at careers@apexcollege.edu.np by 15th of September 2012.

Registration of the program will start from Monday,10th September 2012.

Please kindly find the attached files.

With Regards,
Kul Prasad Prasai
Co-ordinator, Apex Career Services
Apex College
1261 Devkota Sadak
Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
P.O. Box No.: 19691
Tel : +977- 01- 4467922, 4478841, Ext. 160, Fax: 4467923
E-mail : careers@apexcollege.edu.np
Website : www.apexcollege.edu.np

3 attachments — 

Sep 10, 2012

Group for IF

click here

project work of IF

click here

Aug 26, 2012

Slides of chapter 3 and 4 of Sales Management

Guys download the Slides of Sales Management

Aug 25, 2012

Book of sales management: Free download

Guys download the book of Sales management


Aug 24, 2012

1st Internal Exam Routine

Time: 1pm to 4pm  
Aug 27: Mon-sales mgmt
Aug 28: Tues- Int Finance
Aug 29: Wed- Strategic mgmt
Aug 30: Thurs- FIM
Aug 31: Friday- Logistics

Jul 12, 2012

Class Routine

Sun-  Strategic mgmt, Logistic, Sales mgmt
Mon- Strategic mgmt, FIM
Tue-  IF, Logistic, Sales mgmt
Wed- IF, Logistic, FIM
Thu-  Strategic mgmt, FIM
Fri-   IF, Sales mgmt

Syllabus - 8th Sem

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

International Finance

Financial Institutions and Markets

Strategic Management II

Sales Management

MKT 112 - BBA, Specialization, Marketing

 Course Objectives:
This course aims to provide students with the knowledge of the management of the selling function in order to develop skills for effective selling and sales management.

Course Contents:
1. Introduction                                                                                                          4 hours
Nature, role, and image of selling, Nature and role of sales management, Relationship between sales and marketing

2. Buyer’s behavior                                                                                                   6 hours
Consumer and organizational buyer behavior: distinguishing features, Consumer buying decision process and determinants, Recent developments in organizational buying

3. Sales planning                                                                                                      4 hours
Sales and marketing planning: sales planning process, steps in marketing planning, Selling in the marketing plan

4. Personal selling                                                                                                  15 hours
Sales responsibilities, Sales preparation, Personal selling skills: opening, need and problem identification, presentation and demonstration, dealing with objections, negotiation, closing the sale, and follow-up

5. Sales promotion                                                                                                    5 hours
Sales channels, Sales promotions: consumer and trade promotions, and personal motivation, Selling for resale, Exhibition and telephone selling. Selling of services

6. Sales Management                                                                                              14 hours
Concept and objectives of sales management, Recruitment and selection of sales persons, Motivation and training, Sales organization structure, Size of sales force, Establishing sales territories, Compensating the sales force, Sales control: sales forecasting approaches, sales budgeting, and evaluation of sales performance

Text Book

1.       Futrell, Charles: Fundamentals of Selling, 6th edition, Irwin International Publication.

Reference Books
1.       Geoffrey Lancaster and David Jobber: Selling and Sales Management, Macmillan India Ltd.
2.       Richard Still, E.W. Cundiff, and N. Govoni: Sales Management, Prentice Hall India

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

MKT 113 - BBA, Specialization, Marketing

Course Objectives:
This course aims to provide students with the knowledge of logistics and supply chain management in order to develop their skills in linking the marketplace, distribution network, and the manufacturing process and establishing effective logistics system.

Course Contents:
1. Introduction                                                                                                          6 hours
Concept of marketing logistics, Competitive advantage: concept and gaining competitive advantage thourough logistics. Mission of logistics management, Supply chain and competitive performance

2. Logistics Environment                                                                                          8 hours
Changing logistics environment, Customer service, concept, components, and importance of customer service; Customer retention, Service-driven logistic system; Setting customer service priorities and service standards

3. Logistics Costs                                                                                                     8 hours
Total cost analysis. Principles of logistics costing, The bottom line approach. Shareholder value, customer profitability analysis, and direct product profitability. Cost drivers and activity based costing.

4. Logistics Performance                                                                                       10 hours
Benchmarking the supply chain: concept, benchmarking the logistics process, supply chain process mapping, supplier and distributor benchmarking, setting the benchmarking priorities, and logistics performance indicators

5. Strategic Issues in Logistics                                                                              11 hours
Time based competition. Lead time. Logistics pipeline management. Logistics value engineering. Lead time gap. Just in time logistics: the Japanese philosophy, implications for logistics. Quick response logistics: concept, vendor managed inventory, logistics information system, production strategies for quick response

6. Supply Chain Management                                                                                    5 hours
Concept. Logistics vision and problems with conventional organizations, Logistics organization: vertical and horizontal organizations

Text Book
  1. Martin Chouristopher: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Pitman Publishing/ Pearson Education

Reference Book
1.       G. Raghuram and N. Rangaraj: Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Cases and Concepts, Macmillan India Ltd

International Finance

BBA, Specialization, Finance

Course Objectives:
This course aims to enhance the students the skills required to manage the financial risks of firm operating in the international environment.

Course Contents:
1.    Spot exchange market                                                                               3 hours
Organization of the inter-bank spot market, delivery and settlement, retail vs. inter-bank spot rates, customer draft and wire transfer, convention for spot exchange quotations, direct vs. indirect exchange and cross-exchange rates

2.    Forward and Future Exchange Markets                                                     6 hours
Forward and Future Contracts on Foreign Exchange Market; Forward exchange premium and discount; Forward rates vs. expected future spot rates, out right forward exchange and swaps, bid-ask spread and forward maturity; convention in forward quotations. Currency futures, future contract vs. forward contract and their payoff comparisons. introduction to currency options and currency option contracts in exchange markets.

Determination of Exchange Rates
3.     Balance of Payments (BOP)                                                                      3 hours
BOP and factors affecting them, and implications of imbalances in trade account, in capital account;

4.    International Parity Conditions                                                                  6 hours
Law of one price, absolute and relative form of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), reasons for departure from PPP. Covered and Open interest parity conditions, combining interest parity and P and the reasons for violation of interest parity conditions.

5.     Foreign Exchange Risk and Exposures                                                     15 hours
Nature of exchange rate risk and exposure; exposure on domestic assets, liabilities and operating incomes;
Operating exposure of importer and exporter, the effect of currency of invoicing; To hedge or not to hedge; hedging with futures, forward, currency of invoicing, swaps.

6.     International Trade, Instruments and Institutions
Letter of credit and its role in financin2 international trade; various forms of financing of imports and                exports, institutions regulating international trade.

7.     Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI)    9 hours
           Risks in foreign investment vs domestic investment, global FDI market, Nepal’s prospects and problems in tapping FDI.The benefit of international portfolio investment, segmentation vs integration of capital markets, cost and benefit of opening economy for FPI. Analytical discussion of crisis faced by Latin American economies, East Asian economies and events of similar nature.

Text Book
1.      Levi, Maurice D.: International Finance, McGraw-Hill International Edition.

Reference Books
1.       Copeland, Laurance S.: Exchange Rates and International Finance, Addison-Wesley.
2.       Bowen, Harry P. et all: Applied International Trade Analysis (Studies in International Trade Policy), Univ. of Michigan Press.
3.       Melvin, Michael: International Money and Finance, Addison-Wesley.
4.        Grabbe, J. Orlin: International Financial Markets, Prentice-Hall.

Financial Institutions and Markets

BBA, Specialization, Finance

Course Objectives:
The course aims to enhance the students ability to understand the financial market and increase their effectiveness in working with or interacting with the financial institutions.

Course Contents:

1. Economics of Financial System                                                                   3 hours
Basic needs served by the financial system: payments, resource transfer, and risk trading, the technology adopted in serving these needs: delegation, credit substitution, risk pooling and netting, Market failure in these services and the  need for government intervention.

2. Money, Prices, Interest rates and Exchange Rates                                          9 hours                                                        

Relationship among these factors and determination of interest rates, exchange rates and inflation.


3.  Financial Intermediation by Depository Institutions                            12 hours

Deposit and Loan and factors affecting them; competition, asymmetric information, default risk, transaction cost. Adverse selection, moral hazard and credit rationing. Agency problems in financial institutions. Liquidity risk, interest rate and exchange rate risk, credit risk, and operation risk inherent in financial institutions, and management of those risks. Lessons learnt from the national and international experiences.

4.  Insurance                                                                                                       6 hours
Economies of insurance-benefit of risk pooling, problem or moral hazard and adverse selection.  Pricing of Insurance and marketing of insurance; Agency problems in insurance business; Different types of insurance: life insurance and related products; health insurance; property-liability insurance; reinsurance, Regulation of insurance industry, its economics, and regulation market in Nepal.

6.  Securities Markets                                                                                          6 hours
Securities market and the function of price discovery, liquidity, transaction costs reduction. Dealer and auction market risk of trade execution, clearing and settlement. Structure and requlation of securities market, comparing requlatory structure of Nepalese market with that of the other developed market.

7. Market for Government Securities                                                                   6 hours

Types of Government Securities; Primary market and auction procedures; Procedures in Nepalese market compared with the procedures in other countries especially India and the US. Secondary market and their organization: Nepal’s market compared with that of India and the US. Dealing in securities: the bid-ask spread, carry, trading profits, Repurchase agreements, Reverse Repos.

3.  Stability of the Financial System                                                                     6 hours
Bank runs and panics, crashes in stock market, their causes and consequences. Factors affecting stability: fragmentation and interdependence. Private and government measures in improving stability of the financial system: Clearing House Association, Regulation and Supervision, Lender of last resort, trading halts and circuit breaker, deposit insurance. Cost and benefit of such measures.

Text Book
1.       Meir Kohn: Financial Institute and Market, Tata McGraw- Hill

Reference Books
1.       Miskin, Frederic S.: The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, Addison-Wesley.
2.       Jeff Madura: Financial Market and Institution , South-Western  college Publishing
3.        Michael  Baye and Jansen: Money, Banking and Financial Market ,A.I.T.B.S. 

Jun 3, 2012

Hey guys how have you been? Hope everyone enjoyed their vacation properly. Now its time for the exam again. ALL THE BEST to all of you.